account.getSettings() | The method is aimed for getting the current settings of the instance settings | GetSettings |
account.setSettings() | The method is aimed for setting an instance settings settings | SetSettings |
account.getStateInstance() | The method is aimed for getting the instance state | GetStateInstance |
account.getStatusInstance() | The method is aimed for getting the status of the instance socket connection with WhatsApp | GetStatusInstance |
account.reboot() | The method is aimed for rebooting an instance | Reboot |
account.logout() | The method is aimed for logging out an instance | Logout |
account.qr() | The method is aimed for getting QR code | QR |
account.getAuthorizationCode() | Метод предназначен для авторизации инстанса по номеру телефона. Метод используется как альтернатива методу QR. | GetAuthorizationCode |
account.setProfilePicture() | The method is aimed for setting an account picture | SetProfilePicture |
device.getDeviceInfo() | The method is aimed for getting information about the device (phone) running WhatsApp Business application | GetDeviceInfo |
groups.createGroup() | The method adds a participant to a group chat. IMPORTANT: If one tries to create a group with a non-existent number, WhatsApp may block the sender's number. | CreateGroup |
groups.updateGroupName() | The method changes a group chat name | UpdateGroupName |
groups.getGroupData() | The method gets group chat data | GetGroupData |
groups.addGroupParticipant() | The method adds a participant to a group chat | AddGroupParticipant |
groups.removeGroupParticipant() | The method removes a participant from a group chat | RemoveGroupParticipant |
groups.setGroupAdmin() | The method sets a group chat participant as an administrator | SetGroupAdmin |
groups.removeAdmin() | The method removes a participant from group chat administartion rights | RemoveAdmin |
groups.setGroupPicture() | The method sets a group picture | SetGroupPicture |
groups.leaveGroup() | The method makes the current account user leave the group chat | LeaveGroup |
journals.getChatHistory() | The method returns the chat message history | GetChatHistory |
journals.getMessage() | The method returns the chat message | GetMessage |
journals.lastIncomingMessages() | The method returns the last incoming messages of the account. In the default mode the incoming messages for 24 hours are returned | LastIncomingMessages |
journals.lastOutgoingMessages() | The method returns the last outgoing messages of the account. In the default mode the last messages for 24 hours are returned | LastOutgoingMessages |
queues.showMessagesQueue() | The method is aimed for getting a list of messages in the queue to be sent | ShowMessagesQueue |
queues.slearMessagesQueue() | The method is aimed for clearing the queue of messages to be sent | ClearMessagesQueue |
readMark.readChat() | The method is aimed for marking messages in a chat as read. Either all messages or a specified message in a chat can be marked as read | ReadChat |
receiving.receiveNotification() | The method is aimed for receiving one incoming notification from the notifications queue | ReceiveNotification |
receiving.deleteNotification() | The method is aimed for deleting an incoming notification from the notification queue | DeleteNotification |
receiving.downloadFile() | The method is aimed for downloading incoming and outgoing files | DownloadFile |
sending.sendMessage() | The method is aimed for sending a text message to a personal or a group chat | SendMessage |
sending.sendButtons() | The method is aimed for sending a button message to a personal or a group chat | SendButtons |
sending.sendTemplateButtons() | The method is aimed for sending a message with template list interacrive buttons to a personal or a group chat | SendTemplateButtons |
sending.sendPoll() | The method is aimed for sending a poll a personal or a group chat | SendPoll |
sending.sendListMessage() | The method is aimed for sending a message with a select button from a list of values to a personal or a group chat | SendListMessage |
sending.sendFileByUpload() | The method is aimed for sending a file uploaded by form (form-data) | SendFileByUpload |
sending.sendFileByUrl() | The method is aimed for sending a file uploaded by Url | SendFileByUrl |
sending.uploadFile() | The method is designed to upload a file to the cloud storage, which can be sent using the sendFileByUrl method | UploadFile |
sending.sendLocation() | The method is aimed for sending a location message | SendLocation |
sending.sendContact() | The method is aimed for sending a contact message | SendContact |
sending.sendLink() | The method is aimed for sending a message with a link, by which an image preview, title and description will be added (deprecated) | SendLink |
sending.forwardMessages() | The method is intended for forwarding messages to a personal or group chat | ForwardMessages |
service.checkWhatsapp() | The method checks WhatsApp account availability on a phone number | CheckWhatsapp |
service.getAvatar() | The method returns a user or a group chat avatar | GetAvatar |
service.getContacts() | The method is aimed for getting a list of the current account contacts | GetContacts |
service.getContactInfo() | The method is aimed for getting information on a contact | GetContactInfo |
service.DeleteMessage() | The method deletes a message from a chat | DeleteMessage |
service.archiveChat() | The method archives a chat. One can archive chats that have at least one incoming message | ArchiveChat |
service.unarchiveChat() | The method unarchives a chat | UnarchiveChat |
service.setDisappearingChat() | The method is aimed for changing settings of disappearing messages in chats | SetDisappearingChat |
webhook.start() | The method is aimed for starting to receive webhooks | |
webhook.stop() | The method is aimed for stopping to receive webhooks | |