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GREEN-API Python demo chatbot#


The version is outdated and left for compatibility. The current version of the documentation can be found at the link.

Python demo chatbot is an example of chatbot created with Python chatbot Whatsapp library, which is a library designed specifically to build Whatsapp chatbot provided by API service Green API.

The chatbot provides a demonstration of APIs available for users - sending messages of texts, images, locations, files, and contacts.

Scan the following QR to start or follow the link to start a chat with the bot to see how it works:


Link to the chat

To launch this chatbot on a personal Whatsapp account user is encouraged to follow the guideline:

  1. Installation
  2. Launching a chatbot
  3. Setup
  4. Usage
  5. Code structure
  6. Message handling

1. Installation#

Preparing the python environment to run the project is required. To set up an environment one should go to the python official website and download the latest release compatible for the OS.

This action will download the installer, which one will need to open and start. Follow the guidelines in the installer and complete the installation.

To check if the environment was established correct, run the following command in cmd / bash:

python --version
The returning statement should contain the version of python installed on your machine similar to:
Python 3.N.N
After ensuring that environment is set up, copy the project on your local machine by downloading the zip file from whatsapp-demo-chatbot-python and unpacking it.

Or if one's familiar with distributed version control system s/he can clone the project by running:

git clone
Open the directory containing the project and call the cmd / bash from the current directory. To do this one must add cmd to the path and type in Enter.

Then, use the package manager pip to install the whatsapp-chatbot-python and other modules required to run the code.

The following command calls the pip package manager and installs the modules to the environment. The package manager is installed in the environment by default.

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Environment for running chatbot is ready, now one must set up and launch the chatbot on the Whatsapp account.

2. Launching a chatbot#

To use the chatbot on Whatsapp account one must sign up to console, as the chatbot is based on the APIs provided. There's a guideline available for new users how to set up the account and get parameters for working with API, mainly:

After obtaining the mentioned parameters, one has to open the file and fill up the instance's parameters with idInstance and apiTokenInstance values correspondingly in the 23th line. Initialization is essential to synchronize with one's Whatsapp account:
id_instance = ''
api_token_instance = ''
Then the chatbot will get access to one's Whatsapp account via these parameters:
bot = GreenAPIBot(id_instance, api_token_instance)
Save the changes to the file and run the following command in the cmd / bash from the current directory:
This command will launch the bot. The process of launching starts with the initialization of the bot, which includes the setting up the associated account.

The parent library of the chatbot whatsapp-chatbot-python will change the settings of the associated account by calling SetSettings API to.

The following settings will turned, namely:

"incomingWebhook": "yes",
"outgoingMessageWebhook": "yes",
"outgoingAPIMessageWebhook": "yes",
making the instance getting the notifications about the outgoing and incoming messages.

The settings update will take a few minutes, so the associated instance will be unavailable during the time. The messages sent to the chatbot meanwhile will not be processed.

Then there will be deletion of the old notifications, another process invoked by the parent library whatsapp-chatbot-python, which is essential to make sure chatbot will not process the messages from the already opened chats.

After the initialization is completed, chatbot is ready to answer the messages. The whole process of initialization will take up to 5 minutes.

To stop the chatbot hover the cmd / bash from the current directory and click Ctrl + C

3. Setup#

The chatbot has default values for links to send files and images, but users can change them to their liking.

To do that, provide one link to the pdf/any other format file and one to jpg. Links can lead to cloud storage or open source. In the 101th line in the file:

def option_2(notification: Notification) -> None:
    user = manager.check_user(
    if not user: return message_handler(Notification)
Fill url of the file to the urlFile="" and give it a name in the fileName="".

Then it should look similar to the following:

def option_2(notification: Notification) -> None:
    user = manager.check_user(
    if not user: return message_handler(Notification)
In the same fashion fill the link and the name for the jpg image in the 120th line
def option_3(notification: Notification) -> None:
    user = manager.check_user(
    if not user: return message_handler(Notification)
All the changes must be saved, then the chatbot can be launched. To see how to launch chatbot return to the section 2

4. Usage#

If everything was set up correct, the code is running and the Whatsapp chatbot should be working on the number associated with instance. Importantly, instance must be authorized in the console for code to work.

Let's try to send a message to chatbot!

Any message will invoke the bot to start a conversation. As bot provides the service on two languages - English and Russian - even before welcoming a user, a choice of language is encouraged:

[1] - English
[2] - Русский
Then, one must answer with either 1 or 2 to set up a language of conversation. Type in, for example, 2 to choose English. The welcome message alongside menu pops up in the dialogue:
Welcome the to the GREEN-API chatbot, user! GREEN-API provides the following kinds of message services. Type in a number to see how the corresponding method works

1. Text message 📩
2. File 📋
3. Image 🖼
4. Contact 📱
5. Location 🌎

To restart the conversation type stop
By typing in item number in menu, the chatbot answers by using specific API assigned for the task and attaches a link for a detailed information page.

For exapmle, by sending 1 to chatbot the user will get:

This message is sent via sendMessage method

If you want to know how the method works, follow the link
By sending anything other from digits 1-5, the chatbot will answer gracefully:
Sorry, I cannot understand what you are talking about, type menu to see the available options
One also can send a message 'menu' to call back to menu to see the available options. Lastly, by sending 'stop', the user will forcefully stop the conversation and chatbot will send goodbye message:
Thank you for using the GREEN-API chatbot, user!

5. Code structure#

The main part of the code is contained within the file. It imports the chatbot library, on which the chatbot is based:

from whatsapp_chatbot_python import (
There is initialization of chatbot on 26th line:
bot = GreenAPIBot(
Then, there is router that listens to notifications that is invoked everytime the text message is sent to the chatbot. The messages are processed ruther if they pass through set up filters. For example, every time the user sends a message, the state of the chat is None, which is filtered by router:
Once the message handler got the notification it retrieves the data from the inside, which is dictionary of type webhook. Getting the user's data, the chatbot saves that in the object of the same named class. The user class is within the file and has 2 fields:
class User:
    language: Optional[str] = None
    ts: Optional[datetime] = None
The fields correspond to the user's phone number id, chosen language, authorization status, and timestamp of last interaction with bot. Every field has a role in the logic, which will be explained later.

So, returning to, after the user sends a first message to the chatbot, there's checking if the user has active chat with the bot on the server side. If not, new user is created and the state of the chat is set to ACTIVE.

user = manager.check_user(
The notification.answer() is the function of the chatbot library, it takes the parameters of user and sends a text message to the assigned user. The data['select_language'] is the text we prepared for the chatbots answers, which is:
"1 - English\n2 - Русский"
So, then the user sends either 1 or 2 to set up English or Russian as the text of conversation.

The chatbot sees that user with such number has active chat by checking the filter state=States.ACTIVE.value. The function sets the user's language field and sets the value of the state to state=States.LANGUAGE_SET.value, letting the bot to know that the language of interaction in this chat is already selected:

                    text_message=['1', '/1', '1.', '1 '])
def set_eng(notification: Notification) -> None:
    user = manager.check_user(
    if not user: return message_handler(Notification)
        f'! '
The text_message filter processes ['1', '/1', '1.', '1 '] in case the user sent redundant symbols. After that the chatbot sets state of the chat to state=States.LANGUAGE_SET.value and expects commands 1-5 from the user

So, if user sends 1, router will proceed to the following line:

                    text_message=['1', '/1', '1.', '1 '])
def option_1(notification: Notification) -> None:
    user = manager.check_user(
    if not user: return message_handler(Notification)
And this part of code will send the corresponding message to user:
This message is sent via sendMessage method

If you want to know how the method works, follow the link
All the answers are prepared in the data.yml file and loaded to the by following:
with open("data.yml", 'r', encoding='utf8') as stream:
    data = safe_load(stream)
Then one can access the answers from the data dictionary, which has, for example, data['welcome_message']['eng'] as the welcome message in English, and data['welcome_message']['ru'] as in Russian:
  ru: "Добро пожаловать в GREEN-API чатбот, "
  eng: "Welcome the to the GREEN-API chatbot, "
Lastly, everytime there's a message from user, the timestamp called ts is updated:
def update_ts(self):
    self.ts =
This must be done in order to compare the time between last timestamp and new one, so if there's time interval more than 2 minutes between ones, the user authorization and language are reset:
if diff > 120:

6. Message handling#

As chatbot states, all the messages were sent by API. Documentation of the sending methods.

When it comes to receiving messages, they've been handled by HTTP API. Documentation of the methods of receving messages.

The chatbot uses library whatsapp-chatbot-python, where methods of sending and receiving messages is already intergarted, that's why the process of receiving messages is automated, and sending text messages is simplified.

For example, chatbot answers the person who sent a message by following:

However, the API can be accessed directly from whatsapp-api-client-python, as, for example, when sending a contact:
        "firstName": notification.event["senderData"]["senderName"],